What to Make Of A Dryer Sheet Discovered in Your Mailbox

Summer is here, ushering in bright sunshine, pleasant warmth, and blossoming flowers, as well as an uptick in insect activity. Residing on a petite farm, I've noticed a higher number of bees, mosquitoes, and flies than ever before. Being somewhat allergic to wasps, I take care to steer clear of them, and it appears our mail deliverers are doing the same.

A Widespread Issue: Wasps Building Nests in Mailboxes

As per a Reddit post from a mail deliverer, wasps, especially yellowjackets, seem to have a fondness for establishing nests inside mailboxes. Even with the warm daytime temperatures, evenings can be cool, making the insides of mailboxes an inviting and sheltered refuge for these bugs.

Risks Faced by Mail Deliverers

The mail deliverer also notes that unsuspecting deliverers often encounter several wasps gathered at the rear of mailboxes. When they reach in to drop off mail, the wasps get stirred up, resulting in frequent stings. This particular deliverer suffered ten stings in just one summer season. 

Preventative Measures: Using Dryer SheetsTo address this issue, mail carriers have discovered that wasps detest the scent of dryer sheets. As a preemptive measure, they sometimes place a dryer sheet at the back of mailboxes to deter wasps from nesting. If you spot a dryer sheet in your mailbox, it’s best to leave it undisturbed. However, this method is effective only as prevention; existing nests may not be deterred. It’s crucial to ensure the dryer sheet remains highly scented, and if its scent diminishes, replacing it promptly is advisable.Supporting Our Mail CarriersLet’s show appreciation for our hardworking mail carriers by taking steps to protect them from wasp encounters this summer.
Preventative Measures: Using Dryer SheetsTo address this issue, mail carriers have discovered that wasps detest the scent of dryer sheets. As a preemptive measure, they sometimes place a dryer sheet at the back of mailboxes to deter wasps from nesting. If you spot a dryer sheet in your mailbox, it’s best to leave it undisturbed. However, this method is effective only as prevention; existing nests may not be deterred. It’s crucial to ensure the dryer sheet remains highly scented, and if its scent diminishes, replacing it promptly is advisable.Supporting Our Mail CarriersLet’s show appreciation for our hardworking mail carriers by taking steps to protect them from wasp encounters this summer.

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